Monday, April 25, 2011

Photos, 5 weeks out....32 sleeps until WBFF

Good morning blog followers. I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend full of great food and chocolate. Mine consisted of chicken and asparagus :) 

Yesterday I had a mini meltdown on the phone with my trainer David (embarrassing) and then again on the phone with Erin. Sorry you two. Everything just seemed to hit a wall yesterday. With only 32 sleeps until my first competition I have a lot to do in the next few weeks. I will be travelling to LA for work, getting my first aid certification, writing my Personal Training exam, training, get the idea. Things are a little hectic around here but I am really trying to stay positive and find time to do everything, including watching game 7. I figure I'd do my cardio at the Oval tomorrow night so that I could watch the game and the time will fly by. Great plan, I know...

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out whats causing me to hit these walls so that I can work on it and move on. I don't have time to be in a "slump." So this is what I came up with last night about why I had a the mini meltdown of 2011. I'm a planner and that is the hardest part for me because for next 5 weeks, even though I have control over my training and nutrition, I really have no control over my actual body. does that make sense? I can train it all I want and put all the right things in it but I can't tell my muscles to do this or that. This is why I have Natalie. She is my sanity right now and I have to learn to trust the process and that everything I am doing is going to get me to where I need to be when I am on stage in 5 weeks in front of a full auditorium in very little. Thank goodness for spray tanning so I don't have to worry about my bruises from dead lifting!

My meal plan is pretty lean right now and my cardio is still at 60 minutes, 7 days a week but that might change today as I have sent Natalie my week 5 photos to review along with my weight. I was pretty happy this morning when I weighed in at 128.4. I still have 4 pounds to drop in the next 5 weeks. This is all very manageable.

Yesterday when I was at the oval I tried out this new treadmill called Woodwav and its amazing! Its foot bed is like a conveyor belt of rubber pads instead of one solid conveyor like you see at the grocery store check out. It is so easy on your knees because it has resistance in the material the belt pieces are made out of. Try one out! Also, I did an awesome StairMaster speed interval workout. 1 minute intervals of 90/100/110/120 stairs per minute for 30 minutes = me very sweaty...very, very sweaty. This might have been a little too high intensity for one workout, but it felt good and I felt good so I decided to push it a little.  I need to be mind full to save some energy for the rest of the week though.

Thats all for now folks!

Eat. Train. Sleep. Repeat.

Nic out!

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