Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Got Food? Get the Eat-Clean Diet (For Men)!

Food, as we all know, is 80% of what it takes to get healthier and leaner. I've talked about his before but I think that really shows the importance of it. Eating enough of the right foods at the right time and the right quantity can be very daunting and all of us are different and have different goals that it seems easier to keep our old habits. I can empathize how frustrating it can be to want to workout and eat the right things but give in because frustration takes over when you don't have a plan and loose that initial motivation. 
[This book, The Eat-Clean Diet for Men is an awesome book with some really good recipes. Check out the entire line of books at]

If you have the desire and motivation to take steps to change your life whether it be trying out the gym for the first time or want to learn how to eat a more balanced meal plan, ask someone for help or do a little research. Having a plan when you go to the gym or start eating differently its crucial to your success and I would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have to help build your plan and keep you on your way to changing you life.

For my training right now the focus is to getting my metabolism going again as I had taken some time off over the last few weeks and wasn't eating my 6 meals a day. The way my meal plan is organized is based on an early morning work out. My meal plan wouldn't necessarily be good for someone that works in an office, but there was a great article in Oxygen Magazine last month on a great meal plan for someone that does work in an office environment. Since I train in the mornings, I have a pre-workout shake and then fast digesting carbs and protein after my workout within an hour of my training ending. For the rest of the day I have 2 smaller meals and 2 "bigger" meals. All my meals are balanced with F.C.P. Fat, carbs and protein.

If you want to make small changes to eating clean check out any of Tosca Reno's cookbook's. They are easy to follow and you might even have everything already in your fridge! Change isn't something that happens overnight but after months of dedicating yourself to a plan, but the changes can happen everyday when you wake up in the morning. As my dad always says, when you wake up in the morning you are the only person who can take control of your feelings and whether your going to be in a good mood or a bad mood. This can be applied to fitness. You are the only person who can decided when you get up in the morning if you are going to make the right choices to help yourself reach or not reach your goal. So skip the cereal, walk at lunch, ask for your salad dressing on the side, say no to the afternoon coffee and donuts, pack an afternoon treat and enjoy 1, one glass of wine after dinner instead of two.

Little changes can have a big impact in how you look, but more importantly how you feel. By making constant decisions about your health puts you and you only in control of your success. Find a friend and do it together or message me for suggestions or if you have a question. I'd be more than happy to be a part of your journey as you have all become a part of mine!

Have a great Wednesday everyone.

Eat. Train. Sleep. Repeat!

Nic xoxo

1 comment:

  1. great post girl! this is so true: "... when you wake up in the morning you are the only person who can take control of your feelings and whether your going to be in a good mood or a bad mood." Its all about your mindset and attitude!
