On the first day I only managed to get through 4 of the juices but yesterday I managed to get through all of them. I was also pushing to make it to the last one of the day because it contain beets and I LOVE beets. Heartbeet it's called! How cute!
It's hard to believe that I have already completed two days of juicing! I think the reason it feels effortless is because someone else is doing the juicing. I really love juicing as much as the next person but the thing I hate is cleaning the juicer and I couldn't image prepping all these juices solo and cleaning out my juicer after each. Don't judge me for sounding lazy here because I know others that have juicers collecting dust for the same reason.
Last night I got my second delivery of juice from Williow, Jody's wife who is super bubbly and sweet. She picked up my other bottles to take back and said I could schedule a pick up for the remainder of the bottles whenever. The thing I like most besides the juices is the customer service The Juice Box offers. A husband and wife team that are passionate about juicing and the products that they use. I wasn't sure all the in's and out's of how the delivery and pick up worked, or what to do with the bottles or how I would feel and they took the time to explain everything.
Now that I have tried all the juices, I can say the Deep Green (5) is the earthiest one of all but is still easy to drink. My personal favorite is Carrot Orange Ginger (2) even after trying Heartbeet. The Carrot one takes the icing. Two days down and two to go!
Feeling really good and can't wait to see how I feel on Friday!
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