Monday, May 23, 2011

Let the water loading begin.

My knee has been major bugging me and its frustrating because I only have 5 cardio sessions left and I really want to be able to push myself to my max but I'm also thinking long term. I'd like to push myself for WBFF but I still have to train for Toronto starting next Monday for the show in June. I really don't want to blow my knee out and end up injuring myself to a point where I can't train at all. I've decided to take it down a knotch now so I can extend my health over the next while. Realistically, I'm happy where my body is at this point and I have to "trust the process." Between now and the next 5 days I can't cram like I could for an exam. What's done is done and I just have to stick to my plan. Focus and breathe.

It's hard to believe that David and I only have two more weight sessions left and as of Wednesday, its the home stretch. I am still sore from our crossfit workout on Saturday. <<Side Note: Did I mention how obsessed I am with crossfit?! Check out this link....>> Saturday we did this butt kicking 30 minute leg workout and on Tuesday and Wednesday we will only do 30 minutes because my meal plan will be changing and I could have eaten a 20 oz steak and a bowl of pasta after our workout Saturday. Yes, I was that hungry. I am starting to mentally and visually prepare myself for being on the stage. That's a little sneek peak of where I'll be standing in a few days and I am trying to envision myself there doing my poses that I have been practicing.
My family bought their tickets along with my friends Erin and Jessica are attending. Jess is coming from Victoria to watch and it really means a lot. My trainer D-Sizzle is also coming which puts me at ease because he has been by myside through all my training ups and downs and mini meltdowns and his support is unconditional. Natalie is going to be in Cali competing this weekend which will be cool because we will be do contest prep at the same time but in different places.
Talking about, contest prep. Mine began yesterday. For now it includes water loading and tanning exfoliation. Exciting stuff I know. I drank 3 L's of water and today I'll drink 4. It will increase by a L a day until Friday where I drop down to 3 L's. I also started using Jan Tana which is an exfoliating scrub and lotion that I have to use everyday to help balance the PH in my skin to ensure my tan goes smoothly. On Friday I will check into the hotel and get all set up there for the weekend and then its go time people!

Note to peeps, 3 L's of water a day = lots of bathroom trips. I'm not looking forward to Thursday when i'll be up to 7 L's...eek!

Eat. Train. Sleep. Repeat!

xo Nic

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