I am really enjoying work and to be training in such a great environment would be awesome but there are other things I want to try. There is a guy in my office would is preparing for his first mini triathlon and it has really started to get my wheels spinning. Do I want to compete or try something new? Right now if I did decide to compete I would be in a great setting to do so being surrounded by so many health conscious and fit people. There is also a gym four floors down from me which would make training easy, well more accessible. I also have all the products I need at my finger tips.
I am definitely on the fence but with the season starting I am starting to get antsy. It's so hard spilling the beans because I don't want to come out and announce anything unless I am doing it for sure but I hard to get all this off my chest because it's been on my mind! To compete or not compete. That is the question! It might not be this show in May but maybe in July...TBD!
In other news, the March bootcamp looks like its going to be a big event! In fact, Saturday Boot Camps in general are going to be a lot of fun. Don't forget to sign up and put it on your calendar! March 30th at 9:30am. Douglas Park - Boot Camp with me with partial proceeds going to the Ride To Conquer Cancer in support of my sister!
So competing is undecided but other than that life is good :) This year is going to be a good year.
Love Love!
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