5...more...sleeps. It is written everywhere as a reminder that I am in the final stretch. I thought it would have hit me by now but it still feels surreal. I think it's because I know there is still a lot to do and a lot of waiting before I go on stage. The excitement is there but I think I'm a little hesitant for a few reasons. One being I don't want it to be over and the other because I'm scared of failing.
Brett and I were on the ferry yesterday and as we were waiting in line, it hit me that there is a chance I might not place. Of course this has been in my head but then the image of me placing pushes that other image out. It was starting to stress me out and I asked him what he thought. Brett said I needed to keep everything in perspective. Which is pretty good advice. I've mentally prepared myself for being top three and I can visualize it but then the thought of losing creeps in. I feel confident that I've put in the time and done everything possible to win but that decision is out of my hands.
I have to remain on course and remain confident and there isn't a lot of time left. Now is the nitty gritty prep work. Every prep is a learning experience but I want this so bad and placing means I keep my exemption to BC's which leads to Nationals. Deep breath. Stay focused. Be graceful and embody Heidi Klum. I will rock this and enjoy each moment as this journey comes to an end. Its been fab and after this journey another will begin.
I have so much to be thankful for and so many exciting things waiting for me. Brett and I found an amazing apartment with a gym (so I will be training starting December 1st and group camps January 1st. Client list limited...lol so message me with your email address) and even though I am still looking for a job, I am positive that something great is around the corner.
This is it. I've got my luggage out and ready to be packed, my food is prepped for the next few days but still it feels like a dream. Maybe because I am taking in each day for what it is and not just waiting to get to the finish line. Sometimes in life we are always looking forward to the next best thing. The next trip or the following Friday. We are practically wishing our days away and life it too short for that. Training for Sandra Wickham is a lot of hard work but anything in life thats worth while is hard work.
When Brett and I stopped at Cactus Club for lunch yesterday, I realized when we were ordering that the next time we go out to eat that I could order what ever I wanted! Our waitress was awesome though and she had no problems with me ordering a plain chicken breast with steamed plain asparagus. Love Cactus Club. I don't really have any cravings right now and plan on eating very clean and healthy post competition because I want to stay under 130. I just feel better and more confident and can't believe I let my body get to where it was when I started. A hot mess. Even though life was crazy and busy, it isn't an excuse to not take the time to eat well and workout.
On Thursday I am picking up my suit and I am pretty excited. I haven't seen it finished and from what we have discussed, I am confident it will be awesome. Colleen the Suits Lady has worked her magic once again. My food this week is also pretty good. Lots of water until Wednesday and then I start cutting which is okay by me because I feel like I should have a cot in the bathroom...I am pretty excited that I get caramel rice cakes on Friday with a tbsp of natural almond butter! Wooooo hooooo. Someone will need to ration my PB for me. If you follow me you know its my kryponite. Love PB!
Anyways, today I have a job interview and an appointment at la spa. Yes La Spa sounds fab but trust me...it's not going to be fun. Girls you'll know what I mean.
Have a great Monday. Remember to email me if you are interested in some more information about training (miss.nicole.wilson@gmail.com). I will be putting some information together over the next few weeks and will be in Vancouver next weekend for the Canfit Pro show to learn some great new skills!
Eat. Train. Sleep. REPEAT!
nic out!!
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