Over the weekend I had a total melt down...I was over tired, over trained and down right exhausted but it was my own fault. I had been doing extra cardio, bumping up weights plus work and things were bound to take a turn for the horrible. After waking up Sunday, I was in the worst mood and the day was not off to a good start. Brett and I went for a walk and when we returned I called my coach to talk to her about how I was feeling. I really didn't have the words or the sentences to explain how I was feeling and didn't even know how to put what I was feeling into any kind of sense. It was gibberish. After an hour of talking me off a ledge and being very difficult, I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Thanks Leigh, you rock! I decided that my body needed to rest so I took the rest of the day to do just that.
With it being Sunday, the day of rest I had been pretty worked up considering it wasn't even noon. After the call with Leigh, I decided to go for a drive and do some grocery shopping and clear my head. List in hand and food prep in the other, it was off to Costco and Save On to get groceries for the week. I figured it would give Brett some time to relax and watch golf while I was out. He had a busy first week at school and work and then had to deal with my nutzo self but it all worked itself out in the end.
After a few hours of shopping I returned home and relaxed with Brett for a bit and watched golf, did some laundry and decided it was time to prep. I reviewed my meal plan for the week and now that I am 9 weeks out and haven't been dropping the lb's quick enough, we are adding in more protein and dropping protein shakes. Protein shakes have a lot of additives and sugar in them to make them taste good and since I cannot have dairy, I use Vega Performance protein which I love but it has now been replaced with protein. One of my other concerns is that I was getting home so early from the gym that I would be really hungry between my first and second meal so my meal plan has been adjusted
accordingly and some extra supplements have been added and others removed.
It was late afternoon and I decided it was time to PREP! I lit some candles, poured myself a Coke Zero and fired up the elements on the store. First I prepped a bunch of Lean Ground Turkey Breast (only!!), then I started cutting up my flat of chicken from Costco and started to steam some asparagus. Prepping food takes a little bit of effort and to reward myself today I bought new Ziploc containers! LOVE! So after getting all my food prepped and let it cool, I got out the scale and started weighing all the meats and putting them into containers and then had a brilliant idea on how to label each container....
I grabbed my Dry Erase Marker and tried writing on one of the lids and rubbing it off and it works! There are so many options you could use this for. You could write the day you cooked the item on, or what meal is in that container or what is in that container! Brilliant. I am totally stoked on this because it simply washes off after you have eaten that meal. Check it out... Pat on the back.
It's really hard to believe that I am 9 weeks out from my competition and I was kind of freaking out about it. I should know better and that and that if I focus, like I tell myself all the time, I will get to where I need to be. My coach definitely believes in me and my training and sent me some extra workouts that I am going to throw into the mix this week. She also told me to tone down my cardio right now because I am over training and there is no need for it. I need to TRUST AND FOLLOW THE PROCESS!!! This is my moto for this week. I am very prepared and my goal is to eat all my meals and do all the workouts I'm told to do. And relax! I'm excited to go into this week with this positive outlook and a refreshed view on my training.
Last night when I was cooking I was thinking about the fact that I have 9 weeks until I compete and when you look at it in terms of weeks it feels so short but when you look at it in terms of days it leaves me 63 days until I compete. I am definitely going with days. It sounds much better. 63 days seems like a lot of time versus weeks. Today I feel like I am off to a great start. I missed my cardio buddy this am because she is off on vacation but I kicked my own butt with a HITT circuit on the stair-climber for 30 minutes (SWEATING!) and then did a 30 minute glute circuit. I'm feeling much better today and ready to conquer this week. One day at a time! I need to focus on this...today is your day! I love listening to that song by Shania Twain every day when I start my workout.
Anyways, here is to today and this week and getting down to business! No more melt downs. Time to trust my coach, my team and myself. I can do this. I have the most amazing support system and the most amazing boyfriend who is always there for me and supports me 150% - he is AMAZING!
Off to the races people! Have a great day everyone.
Eat. Train. Sleep. Repeat!
Nic xoxo